Friday, September 22, 2017

New York Has Rewritten the Common Core. Here's What You Need to Know.

New York Has Rewritten the Common Core. Here's What You Need to Know.: A look at what's new in New York's replacement standards, and what led the state to consider an overhaul in the first place.

Teacher Evaluation: Why Multiple Measures Matter

Teacher Evaluation: Why Multiple Measures Matter: In an industry as large as public education and where learning is our business, one might think we'd lead the way in measures of accountability. But we are not.

Your One-Stop Shop for ESSA Info on Teachers, Testing, Money, and More

Your One-Stop Shop for ESSA Info on Teachers, Testing, Money, and More: For teachers, parents, principals, and others, the Every Student Succeeds Act is no longer on the horizon. Now it's in their schools. Here's an EdWeek guide to all things ESSA.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Social-Emotional Skills Should Be an Integral Part of Every Lesson We Teach

Social-Emotional Skills Should Be an Integral Part of Every Lesson We Teach: As I have come to understand and teach social and emotional skills, I've learned they can't be—indeed, should not be—viewed as something separate from our lessons, or something to be taught one hour a week. These skills are part of everything we do.

Scientists to Schools: Social, Emotional Development Crucial for Learning

Scientists to Schools: Social, Emotional Development Crucial for Learning: Students' social, emotional, and academic development are 'deeply intertwined,' and all are central to learning, a group of scientists said in a consensus statement released Wednesday.

Catching Up: John B. King Jr. on Trump, ESSA, and Heading Back to the Classroom

Catching Up: John B. King Jr. on Trump, ESSA, and Heading Back to the Classroom: King has some big worries about how his successor, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, is handling civil rights enforcement.