Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Technology in Education

Technology is the basis of education.  Since the 1800s technology in the classroom has been evolving.  We have used chalk and slateboards, inkwell pens, lead pencils, film projectors, and overhead projectors, Today, as an innovative society we've evolved into using hand-held graphic calculators, interactive whiteboards, iClickers, laptops, iPads, and cellular phones.

Classrooms have come a long way.  It is estimated that public schools in the United States will contribute at least one computer to every five students.  Additionally, the federal government spends over a billion dollars alone for digital content in public schools. The mandated accountability law of public schools administering standardized tests are now being administered via technology.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles for curriculum design that gives all students equal opportunities to learn.  UDL is the blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, and assessments for every child; with the use of technology.

Digital technology and UDL empowers students in academic achievement.  Advances in technology have made it possible for students with disabilities to be taught in a inclusive classroom setting.

Assistive technology helps students with disabilities understand through multiple means of representation, navigate through the classrooms, and allows students to engage socially throughout the learning environment.  Using effective technology in the classroom is the most important instructional outcome a teacher can commit to. Today's society needs to conform to a universal designed curriculum for every student to learn, succeed and have to have a productive life and career.